Chamomile – Ingl., – Kamille Ted., camomille – Fr, manzanilla – Sp., ромашка- Russ.
Hibiscus known by other names, including rolling stock and a Red sorrel.
And hibiscus plant is a herb, suffruticosa up to about 2 metres in height, and stem and branches of plants with green color mixed with red, simple leaves with long petioles and serrated edges, and resemble the leaves of the Palm,.
Plant hibiscus carries beautiful scenery of purple and out of leaves, and a very short neck and thick wemchhamh flower parts in dark red. Fruits in the form of capsules by number of seeds Brown spherical shape and creased.
Part of leaf of hibiscus is a flower and leaves, the plant is grown in many countries, particularly Sudan, southern Egypt, and the user is the ears of Venus and this is when you start drying either dark red or light, in every season, and brought the cup from its red syrup or drenched drink either hot or cool in the summer, it hydrates the body and revive him.
Our offer includes: Flowers – Crush – TBC
Calendula – Ingl., – Calendula Ted., Calendula – Fr, Caléndula – Sp., Календула – Russ.
Calendula grows throughout North America, Europe, and around the world. Has been used as a medicine marigold flowers for hundreds of years.
One of the plants of Chrysanthemum is popular plants used in the West, known as pot marigold, calendula officinalis scientifically of the vehicle. Part of Marigold is a beautiful orange flower, this plant is native to South Europe.
We have large farms to grow Marigold organic and conventional to cover the requirements of the domestic and global market.
Our offer includes:(Flower- Petals )
Hibiscus– Ingl., Ibisco-Ita., – Hibiskus- Ted., Hibiscus – Fr, Hibisco – Sp., Гибискус- Russ.
Calendula grows throughout North America, Europe, and around the world. Has been used as a medicine marigold flowers for hundreds of years.
One of the plants of Chrysanthemum is popular plants used in the West, known as pot marigold, calendula officinalis scientifically of the vehicle. Part of Marigold is a beautiful orange flower, this plant is native to South Europe.
We have large farms to grow Marigold organic and conventional to cover the requirements of the domestic and global market.
Our offer includes:(Flower- Petals )
Lemon Grass
Lemon Grass – Ingl., Erba limone – Ted., Citronnelle– Fr, Hierba de limón – Sp., Лимонная трава – Russ.
Lemon Grass is a perennial plant from the grass family or herbal Graminae. The vegetation is characterized by its distinctive aromatic smell like citrus scent, especially the smell of lemon fruits. A plant in Egypt and parts of East Asia, such as Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia, as well as tropical Equatorial, such as some areas in the Indian subcontinent, as the plant is currently grown in Florida and California in the United States, and Central Africa, Brazil, wegotimala. The plant had been identified at present, extracted from the aromatherapy essential oil from 1888.
Our offer includes: 2 cm – 5-10mm – TBC – as well, any cut according to the client demand and specification.
Caraway seeds
Caraway seeds – Ingl., Kümmel – Ted., Graines de carvi – Fr, Semillas de alcarabea – Sp.,Тмин – Russ.
Caraway belongs to the Umbelliferae family such as coriander, It is cultivated in the Egypt and Importing countries are northern and western Asia. Netherlands, Finland, Germany, Austria, England, Spain, Russia, Morocco, Europe. Its seeds are elongated and slightly curved, darker than those of the very similar cumin. Its smell is either very intense and sweet, but it is more pleasant than Cumin’s.
Our offer includes: Caraway seed, whole or ground(seeds – tbc )
Fennel – Ingl., Fenchel – Ted., Fenouil – Fr, Hinojo – Sp., Фенхель – Russ.
Fennel belongs to the Umbelliferae family, such as coriander and cumin, and is native to the Mediterranean area. The main producing countries are , Egypt . Its most used parts are the leaves of the basal stem, fleshy and full of water, which are improperly called “bulbs” and are eaten as a vegetable. Its fruits,called seeds, are widely used as a spice in many recipies.
Our offer includes: Fennel and fennel seed, whole or ground, origin Egypt.( seeds – cracked – as well, any size according to the client demand and specification.)